Sewing diaries chapter 13

Dear Diary,

Do fabrics speak?…Funnily enough they do…they might not speak the same language to everyone, as when a fabric says “you will love me” to one person, it will say nope, not my kind of gal to another sewing enthusiastic! Sometimes a fabric screams from the shop shelf “Meeeeee, I´m the right one!” for that sewing project in my mind and other times the fabric bolts sit quietly on the shop selves and make me hesitate and worst feeling ever, make me leave a fabric shop empty handed!

I´ve had this lovely blue fabric which drapes beautifully waiting for the right sewing project since last summer. I know, so not me to have extra fabric just laying around as I usually  purchase fabric with a specific project in my mind. But this fabric was a gift so it was patiently waiting until I felt that I had a perfect idea for it and finally the idea jumped into my mind…in a form of a Mod dress pattern from Little Lizard King.

The angel sleeves are absolutely fabulous…..and I already have another project in my mind for summer with this pattern…now I just need to hit the fabric shops and let the fabrics speak to me!


Dress and flower pattern: Little Lizard King

Dress fabric: Gift from a friend




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